The game is a asymmetrical game in that it is one player against an army of AI drones. To create fairness, the AI drones are simple in motion and utilize no items, while the player can manipulate his or her own movement with dexterity and use items.
Challenge Vs. Success:
We increase the amount of AI drones that guard the mainframes with each succession of hacked mainframe.
The player will go through "tutorial areas" quickly, allowing the player to learn necessary skills quickly.
Meaningful Choices:
The player will have to decide the best routs to reach the mainframe areas. They can either be quick with high risk of being seen, or slow and stealthy to avoid detection.
Skill Vs. Chance:
While the AI drones are placed in specific locations, chance is created when the player's choice of distraction is effective or ineffective. It could stun the AI drones, or it could draw more in.
Head Vs. Hands:
This game is more about the thinking and planning aspect, though Hands comes into play if the player is discovered. He or she must run away and find places to hide and evade the AI drones.
Competition Vs. Cooperation:
At the current moment, the game is single player. Therefore, there is not any form of competition or cooperation at this time, aside against the AI drones.
Short Vs. Long:
With the game including a single map, and with the goals being straightforward, the game should not last excessively long. However, play-testing must be done in order to discover if this is true.
The rewards of our game include the ability to explore, the closure of completion, and unlocking details of the story line.
The forms of punishment against the player include exciting risks, shaming after failure, shortened play, setbacks, and resource depletion.
Freedom Vs. Controlled Experience:
At the beginning of the game, the player receives a visor that trains the player and describes missions. This is a part of a controlled experience. The player, however, can chose in which way they may perform the mission. They may take different paths, use different items, etc.
Simple Vs. Complex:
The game in its current format is complex in that the player must undergo difficult situations in a puzzle-like manner. What our team is trying to use to simplify the game is the visor that gives clues throughout game play, though less over time.
Detail Vs. Imagination:
Our game will include subtitles instead of voices, and a sky-box instead of a whole city.
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