Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homework 11 - Interfaces

1) Describe the user interface of your game.
     Physical Input - World:  we are using a keyboard and mouse for our physical input.
     World - Physical Output:  the player will see the world in a first-person point of view.
     Physical Input - Virtual Interface:
          I = item menu
          A or D during I = switching items
          A or D outside of I = use items
          Turning mouse = turn left or right
          Left click + hold = run forward
          right click + hold = run backward
     Virtual Interface - World: the player will be able to use items, mostly throwing objects for distraction.  The effect will be immediate to simulate actions taken in the physical world.
     World - Virtual Interface: If the AID's (Artificial Intelligent Drones) are near the player, the stealth-bar will change color and size.  If in the red zone, an alarm will sound.  The player may also enter a "Target mode", in which items and AID's are highlighted.
     Virtual Interface - Physical Output:
        Stealth-bar: will change color and size
        Alarm:  will sound if Stealth-bar is in the red zone.
        Targeting system:  marked by blue lines
        Item menu:  Is only shown when player hits the "I" button.  Is pseudo-transparent as to mimic what would appear on a headset with a visual system.
2) What role will the interface play in your game?
     It will direct the player into how to avoid AID's, what items you have in your arsenal, while also being part of the game world itself.

3) Intuitive interfaces give a feeling of control.  How easy is your interface to master?
     It seems as if the controls are simple, but will require more aggressive study.

4) Will your players have a strong influence over the outcome of the game?
     Yes, the player will face a quick or safe dynamic.  They may move quickly at the risk of being discovered by the AID's.

5) Do the players of your game feel powerful?
     We desire that the player feels powerful in skill and stealth.

6) What does the player pick up and touch?
     The player will interact with items such as smoke bombs, flares, cool-down serum, etc.

7) Does the interface map to actions in the world? How?
     Yes.  The player will feel as if they are wearing a visor in the world.

8) How does your interface let the player see, hear and touch the world of the game?
     By wearing a visor, one feels an artificial interaction with the outside world.  The visor interface will allow our players to feel that artificial interaction and thus, feel as if the game is the physical world.

9) The idea interface in invisible to the player.  Does your interface cater to the players desires?  What are these desires?
The player will desire to seamlessly move throughout the world and avoid AID's.  We believe our interface will lend itself to a smooth control of the players actions, and therefore the game.

10) Can your interface be used without the players thinking?  Is it natural?
       We believe that the player will become lost in the feel of the game, that the interface is natural.  More play-testing is required.

11) Assuming you can do what you want, how would you make your interface more natural?
      We would like to use a form of user input aside from a keyboard, perhaps a specially-designed controller.  We also would like to use something similar to the Oculos Rift.

12) What kind of feedback does your interface present the player?  What do the players want to know?  How does the interface relate to the player's goal?
     The player receives feedback on how alerted the AID's are.  They also receive feedback on items that are nearby.
     The player will want to know how much attention they have caught, because the game is stealth-based.  They would also like to know the safest locations to hide and traverse.
     The interface gives a stealth-bar to show the player the safest place to stand.  Through trial and error, the player will learn the best places to traverse.

13) Is the interface feedback continuous?
     Yes.  The stealth-bar will continually change during game play.

14) Please describe the concept of interface modes.  Does your game have multiple modes?
      Interface modes are the ways that the interface changes for the player in game play.  Our game has only two modes.  The interface change is when the player is selecting their items to use, by pressing the "I" button.  With the item menu open, "A" and "D" become item switching keys.  The item menu will appear.  By pressing "I" again, the player switches back to "throw mode".  In throw mode, "A" and "D" are throwing keys.

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